Automation. Inspection systems. Production lines. EOL.

SCHLEICH plans, develops and manufactures complete testing work places, production lines with transfer systems, EOL-test stations and even large plants with different testers exactly matching to your individual requirements and expectations.
An extensive prior consultation and advice and the integration of our customers in the entire development of your customized system lead to a tailor-made solution regarding soft- and hardware and mechanics. No matter if special test object stations or individually constructed contacting-we develop and manufacture your ready-to-use system-from planning to delivery!
Your individual wishes are not only fulfilled by using the latest technology, a PPS-controlled project management and the corresponding logistical infrastructure, but also by our long-lasting experience in this sector. Please contact us!
Individual, single test stations

By means of our wide, well-balanced product range we are able to offer you testing systems for almost every electrical test task-independent from the sector you are working in.
A single test station always consists of tester and test cover.
Both components together either form a unity or two separated units. At separated units the pluggable cable, which connects both components, is always included in the delivery range, which assures you a ready-to-use test system in any case.
Impressions of single test stations
Test system to inspect gear motors | EOL
Gear motors are inspected regarding their function and safety. For the function test, the gear motor is stressed by a torque motor. The protection against accidental contact is realized by a safety light curtain.
Test system for hybrid drives
The tester inspects hybrid motors regarding safety and function incl. tightness of cooling systems.

Test system für hybrid drives
The tester inspects hybrid motors regarding safety and function. The corresponding complex high-current plug is also included in our delivery range.
Test system for welding resistances and rotors
The tester inspects the product´s electrical function and measures the extreme low-ohmic welding contact resistances.
Test system for the motor´s final inspection | EOL
The tester inspects electric motors for roller shutters and blinds regarding proper functionality. Despite their size, these extremely slim motors provide a potent torque. They have to block in current-free condition to keep the blinds in the requested position.
The electrical safety as well as the electrical and mechanical function have to be reliably tested.
- PE resistance
- Insulation resistance
- High-voltage AC
- Current consumption & Power
- Speed in both directions
- Torque in both directions
- Holding torque in both directions
- Vibrations
- incl. automatic test object docking
- Safety light curtain
Universal test system for cables and luminaries in the film industry
This test system is used to inspect all kinds of extension cables.
Special extension cables are often used in the film industry. These cables are often stressed by strong mechanical loads. Broken cables often result in expensive downtimes of shooting days. That is why the required cables are often tested before each shooting, to rely on the electrical safety and function. D
- PE resistance
- Insulation resistance
- High-voltage AC
- Leakage current
- Fault-current circuit breaker
- luminaries´ power consumption

Test system for refrigerators
The tester inspects refrigerators and coolers in a voltage supply range from 12V DC up to 230V AC.
Free lead ends are contacted by pneumatic terminal blocks.
Test system for electric blinds and belt winders with visual pattern recognition
For this application, beside an extensive function test with torque measurement also an evaluation by means of a camera is integrated. With it, the single segments may be checked on a LCD-screen in relation with different functions. If, e.g. the DCF77-time transmitter is activated, it is checked, if the antenna symbol is displayed on the LCD-screen.
The belt winder is equipped with up to 10 operating buttons which are activated by the tester by freely-programmable miniature cylinders. The tester is able to simulate all the functions the end user carries out later.
Test system for coils
In the dual station-consistent of two test covers – assisted steering drives are inspected.
Test system for outlet strips
All sockets are automatically inspected regarding safety and proper polarity.
Furthermore the power consumption of possible built-in components is checked.
Several test stations are in operation at the customer. All data from all testers are centrally stored on a SQL-server. That is why all test sequences are accessible for all connected testers. Furthermore, the head of production is always informed about all test results.
Test system for electric component groups
Component groups are continuously tested in the Run-In-test stand. At this, they are stressed by mechanical vibration and also thermally heated. The so-called “bathtub curve” is simulated.
Test system for complex luminaries
The contacting is made by special adapters which are displayed to the operator. Two label printers are used for the final product labeling.
Turn-key test systems & and production lines from under one roof
You require a complete production line with all necessary components?
Then SCHLEICH is the right partner for you!
Long experience, qualified staff with extensive knowhow and the use of innovative technology distinguish SCHLEICH as reliable partner in the engineering and construction sector. Thanks to our large vertical range of manufacture we are able to deliver complete turn-key solutions from under one roof.
Mechanics, management, electronics, software and testers- we develop and manufacture the perfect solution for you. The consistent use of latest technology and computer appliances assure our customers a system, designed according to the latest state of the art.
For production lines we integrate customary automation components, which are extended by corresponding work- and test stations. A tester´s PC or a PLC are used for controlling the conveyor. The control software is customized and aligned for each customer. The work piece carriers on production line´s trays are also constructed and manufactured by us.
Especially complex system solutions require a corresponding concept for the data storage. In extensive manufacturing processes with several test stations, different tester may run tests from one manufacturing step to another. In case the product or tray is clearly identifiable by means of a serial number, the single test results from each station are stored under this number in the central database. At the end of production all single results from this number are available and may be used for further processing.
Production lines are equippable with numerous SCHLEICH-testers as well as screw drivers, cameras and more. Our database software reads all test results from all testers and stores them under the product´s serial number. This is the precondition for perfect traceability.
Impressions of test- & production lines
Production lines for pumps
The goods carriers with the products are led in the test stations, then lifted in the contacting and afterwards automatically contacted and extensively inspected.
Production lines for pumps II
- Safety tests PE/GB, IR, HV
- sense-of-rotation test
- water level sensor test
- test of current and power consumption
- laser marking
- including complete conveyor system.
Completely designed and made by SCHLEICH
Complete system for electric motors
This system consists of a tester and the complete test- and assembly device. The rotary indexing table is the central processing unit. This is where assembly steps, tests and labeling takes place. A linear system is used to load and unload which automatically picks up material from storage boxes and puts it back afterwards.
Production cell in a line for electric motors
This system consists of a tester and the complete test- and assembly installation. The rotary indexing table is the central processing unit.
Production line for windings
In this line stators are tested and impregnated. During operation the products are automatically led through the plant.
Production line for vacuum cleaner motors
The test system is directly integrated in a line.
Before entering the test station, the goods carriers are separated and then led, piece by piece, into the test station. The test cover opens and closes automatically.
Electric safety-, function-, vacuum- and noise is tested under the test cover.
Only “Go”-tested motors are labeled when a test is finished. At this line, the label is affixed by the operator, but alternatively this step could also be done fully-automatic.
Production line for windings
In this line stators are inspected and bonded.
Assembly- and test line for electronic modules
Complete production line with different work stations.
- Complete conveyor from SCHLEICH
- Carriers and test chambers from SCHLEICH
- Contacting from SCHLEICH
- Height-adjustable table for ergonomic workspace
Complex electronic component groups are manufactured and immediately inspected while the single production steps.
Safety- and function test
Converter load test
Vibration test during running operation
Inspection of the working points with load simulation
Communication with interface for exchanging data
Module adjustment and programming
Setting and reading of test bits in the test object
Version- and serial number storage in the test object
Inspection of burner control units in a line
Part of a production line
Test systems to inspect cabinet-climate control systems
The complete production is equipped with several testers at different production lines. Safety- and function tests are run at different working places in the manufacturing flow. At this, all test sequences and test results are centrally stored on a server.
All products are clearly identifiable via barcode, which means, that all collected data and results may be clearly assigned to each single test object. The result is a perfect and complete documentation.