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PC-Software for statistical analysis of test results
Our analyzer software is the ultimate tool for storing test results on a PC. With the analyzer software you can store all test data from the SCHLEICH range of test instruments. The Windows®-based software provides you with an in-depth analysis of your production processes. You receive detailed, in-depth information and reports on the effectiveness of your production and are able to quickly identify optimization opportunities in the manufacturing process!
Product consultant
Statistics without ifs and buts.
- Storing test results on a PC
- Fast, effective Microsoft® SQL-Express-database
- Database for single or several networked testers
- Analysis-Software run with Windows®
- Statistical evaluations with graphical presentations
- Easy integration of your logo in the printouts
- Test result printout in customizable report templates
- Test result printout in Excel®-report templates
- Printout of statistical values in customizable report templates
- Printout of statistical values in Excel®-report templates
A deeper look into your data.
GLP2-ce testers either store the test results internally or externally in a central location in the network. The storage format corresponds to the common CSV-format. The CSV-formated test results may be accessed and analyzed with EXCEL® .
However, it´s easier to have the test results displayed and evaluated with the analyzer-software.
Of course, the analyzer can also read, display and evaluate the test results from GLP1-, GLP2-, GLP3-, MTC2- and MTC3-testers which makes it THE versatile statistics tool for the SCHLEICH-tester´s world.
Furthermore, all kinds of test results from external devices may also be imported by means of the corresponding optional tools.
The analyzer´s core is a fast SQL-database in which all test results from the testers are imported. Afterwards you can analyze and visualize the data according to different criteria. The analyses are, of couse, documented.
Besides a reliable storage there are three further requirements to a test result data base:
you want to search for one specific test result and document it
you want to statistically analyze test results
you want to be always updated about your production
The analyzer fulfills all these requirements.
The result search
The serial number to be searched for is entered in the analyzer and, thanks to the powerful SQL-database, the corresponding test results are displayed within no time. In addition to the results, the corresponding default values are also indicated. The precondition, however, is that the test results are stored together with the test object´s serial number. A specified search is only possible, if the test results are clearly identifiable in the database.
The results may be printed either on paper or electronically as a PDF-file. For the printout, SCHLEICH supplies printing templates. You require an individual printout with your company data and logo? No problem! By simply exchanging the print head and logo you can easily adjust the templates to your company´s corporate design.
The statistical analysis
For the analysis, numerous test results are summarized in a way to obtain an overview about your production´s quality.
To reduce the data amount to be inspected, the following filters are available:
Date from…to
Time from…to
Calendar week from…to
Serial number range from…to
Test sequence´s name
Order data
Tester-test station-test chamber
Tester groups
Shift ( day-, late,- night shift)
As soon as the filter values have been entered, you get the statistical analysis, thanks to the fast SQL-database.
A combination of several filter criteria may be easily stored as template under a freely-definable name. By calling up the filter template and input of the requested values, the test result analysis is automatically generated.
Quantities: Go- NOGO – total
First Pass Yield | FPY
Average values
Measuring material ability| cg-values
Process capability| cp-values
Gaussian result distribution
The results may be printed either on paper or electronically as a PDF-file. For the printout, we provide printing templates which may also be adjusted according to your requirements.
Data transfer via USB-flash drive | Offline-operation
If the testers are not networked with each other, the test results are exported by means of an USB-flash drive. For this, the GLP2-ce provides a special command. The analyzer imports the data from the USB-flash drive and stores them in the database. Afterwards the requested evaluations may be run.
Data import via network | Online-operation
Under perfect conditions tester/s are part of a computer network. But a network only makes sense, if the data is stored centrally. A central storage location for all test sequences is to be defined, which can be any PC in the network.
The PC with the analyzer-software also belongs to this network. The analyzer permanently checks, if the testers sent new test results to the central storage location. If this is the case, the analyzer automatically imports the data into the database.
During online-operation the analyzer continuously determines and displays statistical results from the running production. Thus, you are not only always informed about your production´s quality, but you additionally get an comprehensive overview about GOs, NoGOs, quantities at single testers, tester groups and your entire production.
This is perfect online-monitoring!
Importing test results from any measuring device in production
In addition to the normal GLP2-ce application, the analyzer also imports data from all other SCHLEICH-tester classes. And the analyzer can actually do even more! Via special import tools it is even able to store and analyze data from any external device as e.g. mechanical screwdrivers, tightness measurement devices, optical inspection systems and so on.
The ideal situation is given, if a serial number to all result files is available, as the analyzer may then display all collected information and test results of this certain product at a glance.
This allows a complete traceability of all your products.
- in a predefined PDF template
- with your company logo
- with your company contact data
- MS-SQL-Server-Express® or MS-SQL-Server® Data base
- unlimited quantity of test results
- EN
Operating System:
International PDFs
German PDFs
For further information please do not hesitate to contact our technical sales under:
- +49 2372 901 25 40
- Email request
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Product comparison
SCHLEICH is a leading manufacturer of electrical safety, functional, winding and electric motor testing technology.
SCHLEICH is a world-renowned company that focuses on the development of innovative products in the field of testing technology for electrical products of all kinds.
From A to Z - everywhere SCHLEICH testing technology is in use worldwide. Our customers come from over 50 countries and regions. Everything is developed and produced in Germany.
Quality work - Made in Germany.
2022 - SCHLEICH is awarded for the fifth time as TOP100-Innovator
2016 - SCHLEICH released the first VoltageAnalyzer for measuring the real voltage directly at the winding terminals
2012 - SCHLEICH is awarded as TOP100-Innovator for the first time
2005 - SCHLEICH released the first stator tester with partial discharge test
1995 - SCHLEICH integrates touch-displays into testing devices as a world leader
1990 - SCHLEICH released the first safety and function tester with fully automatic integrated test terminal changeover
1987 - SCHLEICH released the first surge tester with PC-control under DOS and fully automatic integrated test terminal changeover
1985 - SCHLEICH released the first MotorAnalyzer
1982 - SCHLEICH focuses fully on electrical test engineering of electrical products
1952 - SCHLEICH is founded as a motor repair shop
Pioneering spirit, competence, curiosity, brand new technologies and innovations. This is what the 150-strong SCHLEICH team stands for - led by Martin & Jan-Philipp Lahrmann. Father & son. Your guarantors for long-term partnership.